Every year hundreds of exotic animals are destroyed because they have outgrown their usefulness to the people who own them. Below are a few stories where these animals found a happy ending at Noahs Lost Ark.

HAWK – African Lion

Hawk arrived with Pumpkin and Tonka.  He is approximately 7 years old. He lived in this cramped, manure laden cage, never being able to run. Weighing in at 150 to 200 pounds upon arrival, most male lions weight closer to 450 pounds or more! Severely malnourished, weak, caked with feces, he could only crawl over to us. His sides, legs and stomach were all urine-burned from lying in his own unclean waste. Severe lacerations were all over his face, especially on his nose. The end of his tail was cut off, oozing blood with bone showing through.

We put straw down for them and fed them, brought them home and immediately called our vet. All were given antibiotics and vitamins and we must monitor their food intake carefully, slowly building them up to where they should be.

He deserved better. This beautiful, regal creature was not shown the respect he so richly deserved. He is loved now, and starting to heal. It will take a long time. Every time he sees us, he calls out to us. He is happy and he knows we saved him, for he had not much time left. He has an enclosure big enough to run and play now. His spirit soars……That is why we called him Hawk!

TONKA – Bengal Tiger

Tonka Before 
Tonka Before

Tonka arrived with Hawk and Pumpkin. All were kept in tiny, filthy cages. He was severely malnourished and their bodies caked with their own feces and they had urine burns all over them from lying in their own waste. Lethargic and weak from not eating, he couldn’t even hold his head up the first time we saw him. Our vet says he only weighed 200 pounds upon arrival. Closer to 350 or more is normal!

Tonka After
Tonka After

PUMPKIN – Lioness


“We found Pumpkin in the cage to the left on a cold February night. She arrived with Hawk and Tonka. Severely malnourished and poorly treated, she has what is known as Metabolic Bone Disease. She also has rickets, can’t see well, has no muscle tone and stumbles and falls over. Her head tilts to one side and upon arrival could only walk in circles. Her bones are not developed right and she crawls when she tries to walk. Our vet examined her and currently she is in treatment. She curls up in a ball and her muscles seize with pain as she is finally free from her “prison.” The muscle tremors are so severe she is biting at her own body in confusion crying out in pain. She, like the others, lived outside in these “crates” with no food, water or shelter. I cry as I try to comfort her with my voice. She is scared and disoriented. She


does not know we are only trying to help. Tonight it was 8 degrees out and snowing. I cannot imagine how they survived. I cannot imagine how any human could look at them and walk away – we could not. Pumpkin is in our warm room barn in a holding area. We cannot put her out into a normal enclosure. It would be detrimental to her muscle and bone growth. So for now, we watch and wait. We pray also for Pumpkin, she needs our prayers.”

 Pumpkin is doing so much better now. Her head is still slightly tilted and her growth is stunted, however, she is one happy lioness

SOPHIE – Liger

Sophie is a Liger – Half lion and half tiger. Rescued with Hawk, Bubba, Tonka & Pumpkin. Sophie is our clown, always in trouble and always smiling. She is affectionately referred to as “Big T” for Big Trouble. Because of her hybrid crossing she is much larger than an average lion. She has the coloring of a lion with spots on her head like a baby lion and stripes on her body and tail

BUBBA the Tiger’s Story

Bubba was rescued from a cruel and abusive owner. He was kept in a tiny cage and was full of parasites upon arrival at Noahs Lost Ark.

Upon arival our vet discovered Bubba was nearly blind. Due to Interbreeding and malnutrituion his skull never grew correctly and in turn his eyes were underdeveloped causing blindness.

Fact: Zoos can not accept “pet” big cats because they do not know their liniage and can not use them in preservation breeding programs.

MING – “The New York City Tiger”

mingMing a 2 year old pet tiger kept in a New York City apartment has found a permanent home here at Noah’s Lost Ark. Arriving scared and confused, we promised him a life of safety and peace. Ming was in quarantine for 30 days as in the case of all our rescued animals. He is adjusting well and enjoys watching the other big cats at play.

We thank the city of New York and all the caring people for entrusting us with Ming’s care. We would also like to thank every courageous person who participated in Ming’s rescue.

Ruger the couger’s story

A beautiful male cougar whose previous owner stated “she no longer liked him,” and was going to have him stuffed by a taxidermist but that would cost her too much at $600.00!

We sure are glad she called us and we were able to provide this magnificent animal with a permanent home where he can have space to run and never needs to know where his next meal is coming from.

Ruger is a friendly couger who loves to purr loudly and cries out to us whenever we walk by.

The Rare Rama’s Story

Trauma most likely inflicted by severe beatings has destroyed his right eye and caused broken bones in his tail and face resulting in blindness to his right eye. He was also malnourished and endures the pain of a botched declawing.

Now he has a large enclosure and can climb trees and play like a leopard should.

Fact: The leopard, Panthera pardus, is a member of the Felidae family and the smallest of the four “big cats” in the genus Panthera, the other three being the tiger, lion and jaguar.

Nakita for only $1 on E-bay!

NakitaWe had just gotten back from Kentucky with Sheba and had a message from a very distraught woman in a neighboring town. There was a tiger on Ebay starting at a $1.00!!! She called Ebay and they immediately removed the auction as it is against their policy to sell live animals.

The people gave many reasons why they no longer wanted her. Insurance, no time, was actually their son’s tiger. The founders drove over 17 hours to rescue her. She was crammed into a filthy, manure laden 10 x 10 pen up to her neck in manure and very thin. 17 hours back, stopping only to water and to feed her, we promised her a peaceful life. A life where her belly would be full and an enclosure she could run and play in. A life to make up for the years endured in filth and hunger.


Sara BeforeLeo, Sara and Trouble all came from a breeding facility that has been closed down after numerous escapes. They arrived in very poor condition. Extremely thin, improper diets, sores all over their bodies and rickets. Sara especially suffers from an improper diet. Her poor legs are crippled and bent, she had a hard time walking. At the ages of 8 years for Leo and 12 for both girls, their injuries are irreversible and we can only make them comfortable.


SPOCK – Caracal

Spock arrived at Noah’s severely underweight and in poor condition as you can see by his before photos

Spock Before


Spock After

Spirit & River

This poor little pony and colt arrived at Noah’s through the help of a humane officer. Spirit is totally blind and has a new colt at her side. We welcome them both into our family.

MIKEY – Macaque

Mikey is a Macaque. He attacked his former owner and was bought to be a “pet.” Noah’s offered Mikey a safe, permanent home where he can just be a monkey

SIMBA Saved From Death Sentence!

Simba, a male lion whose mate attacked a man’s daughter in Chillicothe, Ohio now calls Noah’s Lost Ark his permanent home.

Simba’s mate, Sheba was killed during the attack and Simba was facing the same fate as his female companion until a caring volunteer fireman intervened on his behalf to save him from being shot as well.

Within hours we were able to have Simba safely secured and on his way home to a place where he can live out his life in safety and peace

rescue Rescue
Simba before at a home in Chillicothe, Ohio

Rescue Rescue
Simba After